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- Exhibited: Exhibited: Stendahl Galleries, Los Angeles, CA, no. 1575, n.d. (see partial label affixed to the stretcher)
- Notes: Note: According to a verso inscription: ''Erin O'Brien-Moore gave away this picture in the action of the play 'The Deep Blue Sea' by Terence Ratigan July 11 to 17, 1954.'' A copy of Acts I and II of the play, including the painting references, accompany the present work
- Condition: Visual: Generally good condition.Blacklight: No evidence of restoration under blacklight.
Accepted Forms of Payment:
June 19, 2007 6:30 PM PDT
Pasadena, CA, US
John Moran Auctioneers
You agree to pay a buyer's premium of up to [bp]% and any applicable taxes and shipping.