Bernhard Rohne is a renowned artist and designer known for his significant contributions to the world of furniture design through his work at Mastercraft in the 1970s. Rohne, originally from Germany, brought a unique blend of European craftsmanship and innovative artistry to the American market. His distinctive approach involved the use of acid-etched brass and copper, creating intricate and captivating surfaces that became the hallmark of his designs. These pieces, often featuring elaborate and organic patterns, distinguished Mastercraft’s offerings from those of other furniture manufacturers of the time. Rohne’s work not only set new standards for luxury and sophistication in furniture design but also established him as a leading figure in the decorative arts. The pieces he created were celebrated for their craftsmanship, elegance, and the ability to blend seamlessly into both contemporary and traditional interiors. His legacy continues to be sought after by collectors and design enthusiasts who appreciate the artistry and innovation that define his work.