Pasadena, CA, Grace Nicholson Art Galleries, “Decorative Flower Paintings and Abstractions by Agnes Pelton,” April 15 – May 1, 1929. Note: A news item published Thursday May 23, 1929 in the “Keyport Enterprise” (Keyport, New Jersey) “Borough Briefs” column states: “The exhibition of portraits, abstract and flower paintings by Miss Agnes Pelton at the Grace Nicholson galleries in Pasadena, Cal., was so successful that Miss Pelton was compelled to continue the exhibit for two weeks longer.” This would revise the exhibition dates to April 15 – circa May 15, 1929.
Los Angeles, CA, (Jake) Zeitlin’s Book Shop, “Abstract Paintings by Agnes Pelton,” June 1 – 15, 1929. Note: A news item published Sunday June 9, 1929 in the “Los Angeles Times” (Los Angeles, Calif) states: “The very interesting abstract paintings by Agnes Pelton, shown recently at the Grace Nicholson Galleries and reviewed in The Times, are now on view at Zeitlin’s bookshop until the 15th.”
New York, NY, Montross Gallery, “Abstractions by Agnes Pelton,” November 11 – 23, 1929, Sleep as no. 9. This solo exhibition also included The Fountains, Caves of Mind, Star Gazer, Incarnation, Messenger, Lookouts, Ecstasy, Inward, Being, Faith, Flowering, and Meadowlark’s Song – Winter.
New York, NY, Grand Central Palace, “Society of Independent Artists, 14th Annual Exhibition,” February 28 – March 30, 1930, Sleep as no. 798.
New York, NY, Argent Galleries, “Exhibition of Paintings by Agnes Pelton,” February 16- March 7, 1931, Sleep as no. 15. This solo exhibition of twenty-one works included Fire Sounds, Equilibrium, White Fire, Voyaging, Rose and Palm, A Lotus for Lida, Wells of Jade, Prayer, Translation, Bells, Peace, The Fountains, Being, Faith, Incarnation, Inward, Lookouts, Renunciation, Meadowlark’s Song – Winter, Efflorescent Decoration.
Plainfield, NJ, Plainfield Public Library, “Exhibition of Paintings by Agnes Pelton,” March 16 – 30, 1931, Sleep as no. 8. This large solo exhibition consisted of thirty works: Peace, Being, The Fountains, Flowering, White Fire, Prayer, A Lotus For Lida, Sleep, Rose and Palm, Translation, Inward, Thought, Voyaging, Lookouts, In Winter, Radiance, Fire Sounds, Renunciation, Faith, Equilibrium, Ecstasy, Incarnation, Wells of Jade, Meadowlark’s Song – Winter, Star Icon (2), Hibiscus (Beirut, Syria), Windmill Path, 4 Hawaiian Flowers (decorative panels, samples for custom orders), Phantasy of Frost and Fire, Star Icon (1).